Cancellation Policy: |
If you need to reschedule, please call as soon as possible. Unlike Doctors who can overbook and spend 15 min. with a patient, therapists need to block a full hr. Since we hold a spot for you making it unavailable to another client, if less than 24 hrs. is provided you will be charged $85. If you do not show for a scheduled appointment without a cancellation call, you will be charged full fee for the missed session. We feel this is fair since it is customary to charge full fee for late cancels in our area. All reschedules or cancellations need to be done by phone (call or message). We may make an exception to the late fee based on the circumstances and if we are able to reschedule to another time that same week. If coming for couples counseling and one member is unable to attend, sometimes it’s appropriate for the other member to attend to continue progress or to work on individual issues. Check with us about this. Emergency same-day cancellations can be rescheduled without financial penalty on a limited basis.
Intake Forms: |
We will be asking for an email address, in order to send the forms needed for your first appointment. We use a HIPPA protected software and all files are saved electronically.